I feel like that is all we have been doing lately. Between our trips and summer band (thankfully today was the last day!) I have neglected my blog. I still can't seem to focus... so i will leave you with a few pictures from our trips.
This was taken in Manti while we waited for the Manti Pageant to start.

Gage hanging out with grandma Jensen, still waiting...

The next day we spend at Palisade Lake. This is Kaysha relaxing in the sun.

Zane taking the Kayak out for the first time. He had to sit on a life jacket so he could reach the water, but he did an awesome job and was going all over the place.

Here Gage is bringing all the kids back from that dock behind them.

James taking Jace and Cyra for a kayak ride. Jace would usually come back asleep, he couldn't handle those rides.

After playing in the water the kids all decided it was time to go on a hike around the lake to search for lizards.

They saw many lizards but this is the only one that was caught. I am thinking it was a little too FAT to run away! Since it's tail was missing we are guessing someone already tried to capture this lizard.

Cyra and I STILL walking! That walk was a lot longer than we thought it would be.

Cyra and Maren taking a quick break to pose for the camera.

Gage at the half way point!

After our long hike it was dinner time!

Then... it wouldn't be camping without going to the local shake place.

Our next trip was to the Jensen Family Reunion that was held at Silver Creek in Idaho. This is Zane digging while others are fishing.

Here is Gage catching one of his MANY fish from the weekend.

Even Cyra and Oaklie were catching some.

Oh my goodness! Cyra would not leave this poor fish alone.

Cyra is doing one of the many activities they had planned for the kids. This is her "tinker bell" house she is painting.

We were not looking forward to our LONG drive home. This is Jace hanging around at a park we stopped at on our way home.

Kaysha and Cyra have a loving sister moment... too bad these moments don't last long.

Time to start driving again!!

Less than 2 weeks until our next trip. First I need to clean the house, clean the trailer and then pack all over again...